We believe all humans embody divine feminine and divine masculine energy and we acknowledge the humanity and dignity of two-spirited & multi-spirited individuals. We honor and respect the divine feminine. We hold compassion and have respect for the divine masculine.
We help amplify voices, art and projects from humans who fall outside of the bounds of societal conformity and those who challenge the status quo in order to disrupt oppressive belief systems.
This is an inclusive community and a collective wherein creativity, life & love are celebrated. Anyone may join if they align with our principles.
We birth this collective in the spirit of creative collaboration. We are not in competition with any person, organization or other members of our collective.
We aim to provide safe spaces wherein all humans feel seen and celebrated, no matter how they identify racially, sexually, economically or spiritually… as long as their practices & beliefs do not harm or infringe upon the rights of other people, children or animals.
We believe that unconditional love is not an idealistic notion, rather a natural state that humanity has moved away from, and must return to.
We embrace the complexities of all people and see our differences as something to be celebrated, not exploited nor degraded.